Rules of Pursuit Cribbage

All scoring is carried out as your normal game of cribbage. Official rules can be found here, although any house variations will work just as well.

The Standard Pursuit Game

For 2 Players:

Start in the two holes either side of the circle.  Deal six. Each player discards two to the dealer's crib.
Score in a clockwise direction.  If you land on or past the trailing peg of your opponent, you win!

For 3 Players:

Start in the two holes on each corner of the triangle.  Deal five, plus one to the crib. Each player discards one to the dealer's crib.  Score in a clockwise direction.  If you land on or past the trailing peg of either opponent, they are knocked out.  Restart on the two player circle. The player that won the previous round starts as dealer.

For 4 Players:

Start in the two holes on each corner of the square.  Deal five.  Each player discards one to the dealer's crib. Score in a clockwise direction.  If you land on or past the trailing peg of any opponent, they are knocked out.  Restart on the three player triangle. The player that won the previous round starts as dealer.

For 5 Players:

Start in the two holes in all corners apart from those on the circle.  Deal five to non-dealers, four to the dealer. Non-dealers discard one to the dealer's crib.  Score in a clockwise direction around the square, but moving up the triangle and back on each circuit.  If you land on or past the trailing peg of any opponent, they are knocked out.  Restart on the four player square. The player that won the previous round starts as dealer.

For Standard (121 hole) Cribbage:

Each side on the board is 30 holes.  You can start at any corner of the square and play back to where you started for 121!  Or if there are two of you, you can play on the circle and do two complete laps.

For 61 holes (Old Traditional) Cribbage:

Each side on the board is 30 holes. Use half a lap of the square or a compete lap of the circle.

For 181 holes (Long Game) Cribbage:

Each side on the board is 30 holes. You can start at any corner of the square and play a complete lap and then a half lap to finish opposite you for 181!  Or for three players, maybe use the triangle for two complete laps. Using the circle?  3 laps!